Thanksgiving is coming (12 Oct, just in case), and with it, the fun and games that is the Turkey Trot fun Pursuit Race for EVERY BOAT.

Basically it is once or twice around the racing circle marks and first boat home wins the day (with prizes for all divisions and dinghies). Of course, the slowest boats get to start first to even things up and so on. Even if you never race, this is a fun day out and a great way to get out one more time before the end of the season, so please come out and join the fun. Thanks to Doug Patterson for organizing and running this event again – talk to him about your handicap numbers!

Briefing (in the Members Lounge): 09:30hrs (this is when you get your start times)

First Warning Signal: 11:00hrs, First gun : 11:05hrs (for the slowest boat)

Post racing: turkey sandwiches will be provided for all participants while we all can “hand sail” the day at the bar.

REQUEST #1: We are going with the revised format of a pot luck from last year as it worked SO well – all turkey / ham will be provided by Fleet, but if you could bring a side of some sort for (say) 3-4 people per boat that would be most appreciated. Please bring them in clearly marked containers to the kitchen area before you go out. I am not going to tell you what to bring (watch out for the nut allergy), in the hope that we get the kind of thing you would expect to see with a turkey sandwich snack. No need to confirm to me on this one – just bring something! Tim Rissmann has again agreed to be the conductor on this for us – Thank you!

REQUEST #2: We need turkey and ham cookers please. If you are able to cook a large turkey or ham and bring it with you the morning of the event, that would be much appreciated as we cannot cook these ourselves. Fleet will pay for the ham/turkey with receipts – we just need some folks to cook them. Also looking for people to help out in the kitchen to get things ready for when racers come in – again a little from several people makes this easy, pleasurable and is ideal. Please email Tim at tim.rissmann at gmail dot com if you can help.

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