Sailors meeting 10am in NSC clubhouse, rain or shine. Sail once or twice around the circle, then back to NSC for Thanksgiving Feast. Slower boats have a head start, so that we all get back to NSC together. Type A people: chase down the boat in front of you. Type B people: cruise round in company. Free, no registration, great food cooked by our volunteers, draw prizes. Open to all members of NSC and other Lac Deschenes clubs.

Keelboats, able, dinghy, cats all sail together in a pursuit format. Your start time is based on the speed of your type of boat – details in sailing instructions. Number of laps (1 or 2) will be decided based on weather. You don’t need to be registered for racing. Indeed, you don’t need to be a racer – if you can sail your boat, then we want you out there.

There are typically 50 boats at this annual event.

First boats home win bragging rights.

Prizes:  10 participation prizes of Farm Boy coupons, drawn from all participating boats. First NSC keelboat and first NSC dinghy/cat win keeper at NSC awards.

Sailing instructions are here (pdf) with map of the course and start time of each type of boat. If you want to sail, and your boat type is not listed, send an email to the Fleet Captain and we will work out your proper start time.

The overview of Turkey Trot is here describing what the event is about.

Also – we need turkey cookers – you can cook & sail, or just cook! More details here.

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