Fall Tuesday and Thursday keelboat race series begins 25 August 2020. This will be RRS-type racing. Boats who have registered: please read the Sailing Instructions to find out which fleet you are in – it is not the same as normal years.

To stay within Ontario COVID-19 regulations, we have divided the registered boats into cohorts, each having no more than 50 people. Each cohort only races against itself.

Which cohort am I in? Check the Sailing Instructions. Cohort = fleet, as listed in the Sailing Instructions.

Why did we do this? After lengthy debate, it was the least-weird solution to allow series racing. The good news: we grouped similar boats within the cohort, so you can race against your best buddy / arch nemesis.

Each Tuesday evening start will include a mix of Flying Sails (with spinnaker) and Non-Flying Sails (no spinnaker) boats, scored together using their respective handicaps. Regardless of whether you registered for “PHRF” or “JAM” on Tuesday evenings, you may choose to race with or without a Flying Sail, but you will be scored for the whole series based on your choice for your first race.

Looking forward, Frostbite has a simpler solution, also compliant to the regulations. Every start will be a separate event. In that model, no cohorts are needed. But the downside is Frostbite will not have “series” scoring.

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