I’d like to take a moment and thank you for your patience, support, and understanding as we have been working to keep our building dry.

NSC member’s dedication to your Club has been proven time and time again over the past week. Approximately 85 members have pitched in to combat the high water levels and keep our club safe.

I would also like to keep you in the loop on what is currently happening at NSC, and what you can expect to hear over the next few days

The Clubhouse

Thanks to the tireless efforts of staff and members who have dedicated their time, energy, and resources, we have collectively managed to fend off most of the water trying to breach the clubhouse. Members and staff have been on 24h watch to help keep the building dry since Saturday night, and have been doing an amazing job.   Sand-bagging started last Friday.

Based on current water levels and the forecast, it appears that we are on the “other side” of the Ottawa River crest.  We will quickly let you know if we require any more helping hands.<

Harbour and Launch
Your boats in the harbour remain safe and, although a little wetter than normal, boats in the yard remain unaffected. The yard, docks and cranes remain closed until the water recedes enough that we can assess conditions and assure ourselves that it is safe to restore power. As a part of the restoration efforts, we will require some help to repair and reset much of the wooden decking.

An upcoming milestone is Launch, tentatively scheduled for Saturday, May 13.  The large commercial cranes need solid footing: Gene and Michael Hoffman will determine later this week if the yard is ready for cranes.  Heads-up that Launch could be further postponed

Next steps

We are slowly ramping up our operations again, starting with an invitation to come watch the Senators game in the members lounge tonight, and Mother’s Day Brunch on Sunday. The bar and Galley will be open for business this week, but most parts of the property remain closed until further notice.

Thank you

We are a club and have proved it in every sense this past week. When help was needed, you stepped up. When changes had to be made, you adapted. When tough jobs needed to be filled, you filled them. The outpouring of support has been wonderful and amazing, and we should all be proud of what we have collectively built, fostered, and protected. Thank you.

A special thanks to Gene Bruce

Some of you know that Gene has, literally, been sleeping at NSC for the past several days in order to stay on top of things.  Probably the most significant reason we are in such good  shape is because Gene had a plan and the foresight to get some rental equipment on site and pave the way with City officials for help.  I think its safe to say, we’d be underwater without him.  Thank you Gene!

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