The 2.4mR sailors need support to help transport their boats to regattas and training camps in Montreal (May 31-Jun 1), Newport RI (Jun 25-Jul 1st), Kingston (Jul 12-15) and Toronto (Sept 19-22).

Helpers will be required to assist in driving vehicles towing boats to regattas (vehicle is provided), help rig and launch boats, assist the sailors with daily boat maintenance while at the regattas. Meals and accommodation will be covered while at the regatta and you will have time while the sailors are on the water to explore the community. A helper may offer to assist at one or more of the events.

Ideal helpers like working with boats and with sailors and are easy going with a positive attitude. They will have a good driving record and be supportive to the sailors.

If you are interested in learning more about this volunteer position contact Peter Wood, email: pwood at, phone: 613-820-7618

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