NSC is about to change its approach to providing limited tender storage. If you store your tender on the club racks you’ll need to read on. Effective immediately all tenders on the rack must be identified.

Last week all tenders currently on the rack were fitted with a new ID tag located on the starboard transom similar to the kind found on your boats, trailers and cradles. The new tag, which begins with the digit 5, replaces any existing tags.

If you have a tender on the rack please contact me via email with the new tag number, any name on the tender and your member name. Tenders that remain unidentified after July 17 will be removed from the rack and stored in another part of the yard.


For some time NSC has provided limited storage space by converting the mast racks into tender racks. This is far from ideal because the tenders must be moved two times each year – in the fall when masts are stored for the winter and then back again in the spring. This task has become more and more onerous as the tenders seems to be multiplying thus requiring even more time each year by staff and volunteers. Furthermore some of the tenders look as if they haven’t seen the water for many years but continue to participate in the bi-annual migration.

In order to alleviate this situation we are looking at a plan to build permanent tender racks for a limited number of tenders. Tenders may also be stored on your boats or trailers or in your slips. There is also some space along the western end of the W dock extension. There would be a storage fee (TBD) for the use of the tender racks to come into effect in 2017. Only tenders that are properly identified with an NSC tag will be permitted on the rack.


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