As part of our “30 Years to Success” project, I’ve been reading some old Tell-Tale issues to find interesting stories. Did you know that there were 145 members in 1979 when NSC was formed, and that by 1986 there were still 38 registered members remaining from that first year?

The total number of members registered in 1986 was 453. It would be interesting to find out how many of those 38 we still have registered today…

In the September 1986 issue, the Tell-Tale had a column called Vignettes, written by Harry Splett, which had 8 short articles – each about a paragraph long – that covered some of the current topics, such as:

  • My Wife Won’t Race With Me – a commentary on the challenges of having sailors and non-sailors in the family
  • Sails in Bags Can’t Swim – “It is an unfortunate fact and the proof of it is that one is still resting at the bottom of NSC harbour. Possibly, a small metal tag on the bag would allow the next one to be detected.” [Scott’s note – I hadn’t heard of sailbags being lost before, does it still happen, I wonder?]
  • Boat Cleaining – a pitch for using organic cleaners
  • Kudos for the Dock Crew – a tip of the hat for jobs well done
  • Boat Tie-Downs – I guess with a higher proportion of boats being dry-sailed, and maybe less reliable cradles, there used to be problems with high winds pushing them over.
  • A Rich Man’s Playground – as always, there were stories of stolen motors and trailers being stolen.

Other stories from the September 1986 Tell-Tale included news about the planned construction of the harbour wall and boat well. There was also, even back then, a very strong and active volunteer orientation, both in the harbour improvement and social communication fronts.

If you have any comments please send them to me nsc-success “at” nsc “dot” ca, and if you have stories you’d like to tell about things that have happened over the last 30 years, please feel free to submit them via the success stories form (click HERE).

– Scott Wright

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