The 2017 Winter Speaker series starts early in the New Year. We already have some great speakers and topics lined up. Before we finalize the list, please help us by spending 2 minutes telling us what topics you would be most interested in, and would get you down to the club on a snowy weeknight!

The presentations are on Wednesday evenings,and are held in Harbourview Hall, Nepean Sailing Club, 3259 Carling Avenue, Ottawa. They start at 7.30 p.m. Events are open to members and non-members alike, but members of local sailing clubs obtain a discount on food purchases by showing a valid club membership card.

This series of talks is volunteer run and is donations-based. Donations support the Youth sailing program.

Once finalized, we will publish the schedule on the NSC website, and share it on the Ottawa River Sailing Facebook page.

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