As a grand finale to our Winter Speaker series for 2018, Johan Koppernaes will provide a practical take on the Racing Rules of Sailing.  This time from a sailor’s perspective on the race course. When does one rule apply and transition to another? Who really knows for sure?



Starting at 7.30pm Johan will present an approach to the rules as they pertain to sailors on the race course – not from the judge’s perspective but from the perspective of common interactions of yachts on the race course.  When they will favour you and when they will not. How to maximize your gain or minimize your loss as the give-way yacht.



Despite the rules, what really happens :

  • At the start,
  • Upwind,
  • Weather mark, offset,
  • Downwind,
  • Leeward mark, gate,
  • The Finish

Johan speaks with considerable experience: He and his crew from NSC have won several Shark national and world championships. The presentation starts at 7.30.

But come on down for some great food or a drink in the Galley starting at 5pm.  Check the Galley menu for specials.  Members of all local sailing clubs obtain a discount on food purchases by showing a valid club membership card. Attendees are asked to make a small donation to support the NSC Legacy fund.

This will be our final presentation of the Wednesday Night Speaker series. We hope that you have enjoyed them!  On Saturday May 26, Art “the Ropeman” Grant will once again offer his splicing workshop, and have great deals  on lines for your boat.


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