Peter Falus returns with another of his amazing presentations on the fascinating history of sail craft construction and seamanship. This year his focus is on the exotic islands of Polynesia. How was it possible to navigate the open Pacific across hundreds if not thousands of miles more than two thousand years ago?

Peter will use video and slides to illustrate what sort of craft were built to facilitate the long voyages on open ocean, and let you into some of the secrets of the Polynesian navigator’s guild. These secrets were passed down from one generation to the next in words and in song, and are still being taught on at least one island to this day.

He will also talk about the peoples and settlement of Polynesia. Then dive into the design, tools and construction of vessels.

The kitchen opens at 5.00 pm, and the presentation will start at 7:30 p.m.  Wednesday is Steak Night. Members of all local sailing clubs obtain a discount on food purchases by showing a valid club membership card. Attendees are asked to make a donation to support the NSC Legacy fund.

The speaker series continues weekly until April 17. Please see the Winter Speaker page for details.

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