During the one-design race on Aug 30th, the windward mark drifted, causing some confusion amongst the Sharks. Thus, a hearing will be held Sept 6th to consider redress, per RRS 60.3(b).

The message below was e-mailed to the owners/skippers of those Sharks that competed in the one-design Race on August 30th:

Based on submitted forms and correspondence, it seems clear that the windward mark in the said race drifted from its original position during the race. (The undersigned also personally witnessed the drifting mark.)

A Request for Redress (attached) has been received from Shark “Theodore”, #739. An incomplete Protest form (attached) has also been received from Shark “Six Pack”, #736, protesting Shark “Jolly Rodent”, #1014, related to the same drifting mark incident. E-mail correspondence (attached) from Shark “Hillaria”, #34, was also received concerning this incident.

The protest committee has thus decided to call a hearing to consider redress for all Sharks racing in the One-Design Race on August 30th, per Racing Rule of Sailing (RRS) 60.3(b). Per RRS Supplement 1, Change 1-Jan-2010, all boats racing that night are considered to be parties to this hearing.

The hearing will take place in the Sailing Room at NSC on Thursday, Sept 6th, immediately after racing, or not before 7:30 p.m., if racing is cancelled. Following the guidance in the USSA Prescriptions, the Protest Committee invites written requests* to participate in this hearing, from parties to the hearing. Boats are not required to participate in this hearing, and redress will be considered for all boats, regardless of whether they participate or not. Only one representative per boat will be allowed to speak at the hearing, though if required, additional witnesses may be called. Subject to space limitations, the protest committee may consider allowing additional observers to observe the hearing.

The objective of the hearing will be to hear evidence and determine the facts. If the Protest Committee determines that one or more boats is entitled to redress, then the committee will make as fair an arrangement as possible for all boats affected, in accordance with RRS 64.2. That could be to adjust the scoring of boats, to abandon the race, to let the results stand or to make some other arrangement, as the committee deems appropriate.

The decision of the Protest Committee will be made available to the parties to the hearing.

Please do not reply-to-all to this message; replies should be sent to protests@nsc.ca and will be forwarded, if appropriate.

Hugh Morrin
NSC Protest Coordinator

* Written requests to participate in this hearing shall be e-mailed to protests@nsc.ca, and shall include the following:

Name & sail number of boat represented:
Name of owner/skipper:
Name of representative at hearing:
Contact mobile number of representative:
E-mail address of representative:

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