All Shark Sailors are invited to the Ottawa Shark Class Association annual get together, Whisper’s Pub (249 Richmond Road), 04 Nov at 6pm – no need to be an association member.
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Thank you from Ian & Sharon Joyce
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Bruce Gough, 1949-2011
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Reminder: The Nepean One Design Regatta is this coming weekend – June 17-18
Here are some urgent last minute NOD Notes: NOD is a CLEAN regatta. Please limit the amount of plastic and other waste. Boat registration closes 15 June at 1800. EVENT table will be open for t-shirt sales, and we will be accepting your crew waivers.
Winter Speaker, Wed Mar 2: Using the NSC Harbour, Yard and Facilities
James Pole and Paul Wagner tag team to present the ins and outs of your rights and obligations as members when navigating the harbour or using the NSC Yard.
New Commercial Launch Success!
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Interclub Awards, Thursday, Jan 19th, 1900 @ BYC
Join your fellow racers for the Interclub Awards, hosted by BYC this year, on Thursday, Jan 19th, beginning at 7:00 p.m.