What an amazing turn-out for the Commodore’s Sailpast on Saturday, July 31! Read Social Director Caroline Schulz’ full report, and guest of honour, Bill James’ message.

Below is the original announcement for the event.

A long-time naval and sailing club tradition, the Commodore’s Sailpast is the all-club event where we celebrate the NSC sailing and boating season and honour our serving club executive, volunteers, and long-time members. Boats should clear the harbour by 14:00; see the Sailing Instructions for the details.

At this year’s event we have a special guest, Bill James of Guelph, who made a very generous donation of Sesiya, a C&C-27 for use in NSC’s Sail Training and Able Sail Programs.

Decorate your boat with an array of flags. Wear your finest sailing outfit. Salute the Commodore. Prizes will be awarded for best theme-decorated boat, most tropical crew, most tropical skipper, and most tropical youth!

As boats return to shore, enjoy the steel pan musical performance by Eddie Alleyne and the Tropical Harmony Band playing on the deck. Chef Josh has created a special Caribbean-inspired food and drink menu to bring back to your boat, or to limited seating in the grassy area near the blue tent.

Enjoy the spirit of NSC and thank your sailing friends in person (from a safe distance) for their contribution to the club.

Burgee recipients are also invited to pick up their burgees from 12:00 – 14:00, as explained here.

Note that the regular Galley menu will not be available from 2:30 PM to closing on Sailpast day.

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