This training is for NSC volunteers who want to help on support boats at Fleet events. Scope: Helping a dinghy or catamaran who is in difficulty. It is loosely based on these topics.

Sunday 13 August 2023
Sign-up here.

  • 10-12 theory, on-land at the Sail Training Centre
  • 12-12:30 lunch (bring your own)
  • 12:30-1 rig boats and get out on the lake
  • 1-3 on-the-water practice
  • 3pm Feedback, Sail Training Centre

NSC members only, of any membership category.
Cost: Zero.
This is an NSC self-taught event. Gad Perry will lead the training. No certificates will be awarded.
Not in scope: helping with Able Sail on the dock; helping keelboats.
If you have experience driving a rib boat and/or can take a turn as a person needing to be rescued, that would be helpful.
Contact: Fleet Captain Dominic Goodwill

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