A strong turnout of 40 boats sailed the Turkey Trot pursuit race on Thanksgiving Monday. Congratulations to Hugo Morin and Tristan King from CVGR for line honours in their 49er, accompanied by their fan club, and to NSC’s Lone Shark as top keelboat. The horde of hungry sailors then shared a turkey feast in the clubhouse.

Conditions looked dodgy at breakfast time, with light air and grey clouds. The race officer made an excellent decision to decide the number of laps on the water and (almost…) all the boats worked out the signal. Wind came up, sun came out, right on cue.

We got the full 2 laps of fine racing, with skiffs, cats, dinghies, white sail and spinnaker keelboats. A special mention to Gaetan Benoit who brought his Farrier F25C trimaran out to play, with a remarkable 47 minutes of handicap.

Full results are on the long-distance race results page.

Thank-you to Doug Patterson for running the sailing. A huge thank-you to our feast volunteers Fiona M-G, Sheila Macfarlane, Janet and Brian Smith, and to staff cook Kyle for his excellent support.

Turkey Trot is our only pursuit race of the year, and is hugely entertaining. We would like to add another pursuit race to the calendar, as it brings together many types of sailors. If you can think of a good excuse for such an event, send your idea to the Fleet Captain.

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