Thirteen boats made it out for the joint NSC/BYC Single-Handed Keelboat Race on Sunday, August 14. Kudos to RO John Gardner for getting in a race in the very light winds.

For several days beforehand, the forecast called for little to no wind, and this time the forecast wasn’t wrong. After a short postponement, the race was started in a very light westerly, with a 0.7 Nm windward leg to H mark. The wind never got above 3-4 knots, and often died to less than 1 knot, but 12 boats finished the two-leg race. Six of them even flew their spinnakers, to some advantage.

Congratulations to Dave Foy on Gunsmoke for first overall, and to John Rae on J-Crue as the first NSC boat, and winner of the Whippet Cup. John, Hugh Morrin (Blue Zulu) and Réjean Tremblay (Windscot) also get their names engraved on the Ottobahn Trophy, as the first three NSC boats on elapsed time. See the full results.

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