Wanted you to know that your Board has been busy since my last report: back-to-back meetings only a week apart and only one week before Christmas.  Nice. Bet’cha they’re happy to have volunteered for this ;)

Our first meeting was “orientation” to bring new Board members up to speed and a good refresher for the old salts too.  Everyone is coming to the table with fresh, solid perspectives and very good ideas.

Our second meeting put the 2016 Budget in place and almost resolved the Calendar for 2016.  Still a couple of dates to pin down before publishing.  Looking over the calendar, its very clear that we have one very busy Club.  Busy in a Good Way.

On the Social and Membership sides, was delighted to see that, under Michelle Pellegrin’s leadership, the Kids Christmas Party was another big hit: many thanks to all the volunteers who pitched in including The Jolly Elf and Mrs. too.

Carolyn Gardner (your Social Director) noted earlier today that sales for New Year’s Eve tickets are very strong, already planning to overflow from “HarbourView Hall” in to the Member’s Lounge.  Terrific!

The Sailing Program is a pivotal part of NSC and it looks like the Warning Flag is already up.  Despite near-freezing conditions, the Fleet Committees and Regatta organizers are already in motion.

You will have noticed that we’re making progress – albeit a little slower than expected – on the building envelope.  The feedback on the new windows has been very positive.  The new siding hit a snag on the very curved front face of the building but there is a solution and materials are on their way for the fix.

Next Board meeting is set for January 14, 2016 and hopefully I’ll see some of you in the Member’s Lounge just before or just after the meeting.  As a reminder, you are welcome to observe a Board meeting if you wish: space and agenda permitting.  Its up to the Chair – that’s me – so reach out via email if you’d like to sit-in.

Merry Christmas and best wishes for very Happy Holidays to one and all,


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