This past weekend 8-9 September 2018 was the FAntastic Nepean FAll REgatta (FANFARE), which is typically a great low-key, event, with good winds and a focus on racing. This year did not disappoint. The wind and sun graced us with their presence on both days, although there were some grumblings around the boat yard that it could have been a little steadier…

The turnout this year was good at 42 boats, taking us back above the 6-year average of 40 boats. Full results at

With five classes (505, Albacore, Fireball, Laser and Open Catamaran) it was a busy time to get everyone around the race course in an orderly fashion, but the race committee volunteers, selected and led by Race Officer Hugh McDowell, did a great job, getting 4-5 races in on Saturday, and another 4 on the Sunday, in what can only be described as challenging conditions for both days of racing. With 5-15 knots of breeze, and 30deg shifts when you least expected them, keeping a proper course was a full-time job (grin).

Even some rock-star helms found big holes to sit in and watch the rest of the fleet pass by, despite knock-down gusts elsewhere on the course. Special mention to one cat that achieved the “crew plummeting from the trampoline manoeuvre” previously perfected by Americas Cup AC45 boats.

Thanks to all the volunteers including scorer Trevor Whitehouse, chief judge Peter Wood, registration & web Dominic G & Warner Monteiro, and last but not least, many thanks to the NSC staff (Heather, Julie and Rony inside, bosuns John & Sam on the water) for making everything possible.

See you all on the water,
Rune Lausten, FANFARE 2018 Chair + Fireball helm

Note from Fleet Captain: Some discussion arose about cat handicaps, and Fleet will think about this for 2019. Thank-you Rune for chairing on behalf of Fireball fleet. Cats – it’s your turn to chair next year.

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