The inaugural NSC Club Championships were held in shifty southerly winds of 8 to 12 knots with gusts in the high teens, on July 23 & 24. Representatives from the J-22 fleet, the 505, the C&C 27, PHRF Division 2, JAM B and the 2.4mR fleets competed in equally matched 2.4mR sailboats provided by their owners.

The format called for the sailors to race each boat twice and have a bye each third race. Transfers were made onto White Spray which acted as a holding boat for competitors who had a bye. Twelve races were scheduled but weather and other circumstances resulted in nine races being completed.

Except for the 2.4mR representative, none of the sailors had previously sailed the 2.4mR and they were impressed by the number of controls available to adjust the rig to optimize performance, each of the controls being of minimum size. As the sailors became more comfortable with the boats the competition became tighter and tighter with the spread between first and last in the final race being 11 seconds.

The organizers wish to thank the Race Committee led by Hugh McDowell and Rick Anderton. On the water judging team led by Greg Dargavel had light work but saw the action close up and had only one penalty call. The Club race staff, Jess and Christian, did a good job setting the marks. Brent Beninger provided White Spray as our holding boat which helped make the event possible. All the sailors were key to keeping the fleet going including replacing a broken halyard which had skyed in the mast of one boat.

Our Club Champion is Hugh Morrin representing the C&C 27 class; in second was Georges-Andre Chaudron of PHRF Division 2, and third was Brent Beninger of the 505s. Full Results.

Submitted by Peter Wood.

Editor’s Note: A huge thank you to Peter Wood and Aaron Wong-Sing, Regatta Co-chairs, for a fabulously organized event, to the 2.4mR boat-owners for graciously loaning their boats, and to the many volunteers who outnumbered the competitors.

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