While racing is still on hold pending approval from the provincial government, plans are underway, and we fully expect to have some racing program in 2020. But to be eligible, racers must first register; NSC members should use the NSC on-line Race Registration portal.

The on-line registration form (and the “paper” form) still reflect our regular racing program, but just complete it as you would normally. We will ensure that you are registered for any racing for which you are eligible/interested. I.e., if you register to race “PHRF” or One-design, and we only offer JAM racing, then you will automatically be registered for JAM.

To complete the process, follow these simple steps:

Step 1. Sign-up for racing:

  • If you are the owner or primary skipper of your boat, and an NSC member, go to the NSC online portal.
  • Login with your member number (include the dash) and password.
  • Select yourself from the Member drop-down list.
  • Click Charge Account (don’t worry, it doesn’t charge you).
  • Complete the form.
  • You may wish to refer to the more detailed instructions.
  • Once you have completed the form, click Finish, and you are done!

Step 2. Keelboat owners: arrange for your PHRF certificate.

Note that our RC Volunteer Program is currently on hold for 2020.

Members of other clubs: download the traditional form from the Race Registration page, print, sign, scan and e-mail it to Race-registration at nsc dot ca.

To see a list of registered boats, visit the Race Registrants page.

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