Sailing season is almost here, and orders are now being accepted for our Regalia Launch Collection. We have selected a few light weight clothing items, a cooler bag tote and some new caps.

The deadline for orders and payment has been extended to Monday, May 9th. Please place your order by emailing Admin at If required, see the Sizing chart. Please include the following information in your order:

  • Your name and membership number.
  • The name, colour and size of your item(s).

Payment is by credit card, debit, or online by bank payment. All sales are final; no exchanges or returns. You will receive an email notification when your items are ready for pickup at the club.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing members wearing NSC regalia!

Romie Kelland
NSC Regalia

Update log:
2021-05-18, HM: Info on Spring Collection
2021-07-27, HM: Added info on Summer Collection
2021-08-08, RK: Extended deadline for Summer Collection.
2021-08-17, RK: Expired post.
2021-08-25, HM: Added delivery date for Summer Collection, “teaser” about Fall Collection. Put most of post within displaynone tag.
2021-08-31, HM: Added link to fire sale items in Box.
2021-09-24, HM: Noted that items have been received.
2022-04-14, HM: Added info on Regalia Launch Collection, and removed info on fire sale.
2022-04-25, RK: Refreshed post, after updating pdf.
2022-04-14, HM: Fixed mailto link.

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