A one day Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Radar course is being offered at BYC on Saturday, September 28, 1000-1700, and NSC members are welcome to register.

The RYA Radar course teaches students to use small boat Radar to assist decision-making in navigation, pilotage, and collision avoidance.

Course topics include:
How the radar set works
How its adjustments and features affect the way it works
Target definition
Limitation of passive reflectors
Types displays
Navigation and collision avoidance

The course is taught over 6-8 hours with no exam.

Instructor: Fintan Hartnett from Topmast Maritime (topmast.ca).
Time: 1000h – 1700h with a break for lunch (the BYC bar will be open).
Class size limited to 10 students.
$160 includes taxes (discount if more than 6 students enroll).

You order the textbook or ebook yourself (order here) yourself for completing the in-class exercises.

To register:
Complete the “booking form”, ignoring the passport # field. Email your form and an $80.00 deposit as instructed at the bottom of the form.
The booking reference # (required for the form and e-payment) is “RYARADAR”. The instructor will advise what’s owed 2 weeks before the course.

Questions? Email local coordinator, Catherine Trinkwon.

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