Attention Racers! If you are registered to race this season, you are required to sign-up for Race Committee (RC) duties. No experience is required, but you may be press-ganged if you don’t sign-up voluntarily. Over the course of the season, each keel boat skipper is responsible for providing three volunteers and each dinghy skipper is responsible for providing two volunteers. If your boat is actively racing on more than one evening you have to provide twice as many volunteers. To sign-up now:

  • Go to: (or follow the RC Duties link using the main NSC page Volunteers button)
  • Find the month you’d like to volunteer in using “Previous Month” and “Next Month”.
  • Pick a race night and click Sign Up next to an available job.
  • When signing up, indicate the skipper, boat name and fleet that you are representing. Otherwise we will not know which boat to credit.

Forward this email to your crew and ask them to sign up also. Or you can sign them up yourself — just make sure they show up. You do not need to be a racer to volunteer.

Show up for race duties on the night you selected at least 1 hour before the race starts. (5:15 PM for summer race nights, 5:00 PM after September 1st. If you have volunteered for Frostbite races, the first gun is 13:30. Please be at the dock by 12:30.)

For those who don’t sign-up, the RC Volunteer Coordinator may contact skippers, who are actively racing, to fill the empty slots in the schedule. Skippers who fail to sign up at that point will be scored NR (Not Registered) until they fulfill their RC duty obligations, per the sailing instructions. So, beat the rush – why not sign up right now?

If you have any questions, contact Jennifer Holliday, the RC Volunteer Coordinator.

Tracy Ross
NSC Fleet Captain
nsc-fleet at

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