Have you ever wished for a slower, more controlled environment to try out racing? Join us for the second of three Friday night sessions May 20, 27, June 3. It’s a ball!
Open to all keelboats; non-competitive environment; briefing and on-water coaching; multiple relaxed practice starts; no race registration necessary.The Fleet Committee is once again offering racing practice for anyone who wants to practice in a non-competitive environment on three Friday evenings in May and June.


Open to all boats (BYOBoat).


Three practice sessions, in which a short race course will be set up featuring multiple starts. These are not races.


To provide a non-competitive environment more conducive to learning:

  • to give anyone interested racing a chance to take their boat and crew around a race course
  • to allow existing racers and crews to tune up their skills, try new ideas at the beginning of the season.


Friday evenings May 20, 27 and June 03.

Boats may participate in any of the sessions, or all three.


The Skippers’ briefing will be held in the Harbourview room. The practice race course will be set up on Charlie course, between NSC and BYC.


Each practice session starts with a skipper’s briefing at 17:30 which will provide an overview of the course, and advice on how to get round it. The first practice start will be at 18:30. Guidance will be provided from a coach boat. The detailed Sailing Instructions are here.


Please e-mail the event coordinator, Mike Roper for more information, and to let him know if you are planning to attend.

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