This year, NSC members can use the NSC online portal for weeknight, long distance and frostbite race registration. So, register now! All the details are on the Race Registration page.

To complete the process, follow these simple steps:

Step 1. Sign-up for racing:

  • If you are the owner or primary skipper of your boat, and an NSC member, go to the NSC online portal.
  • Login with your member number (include the dash) and password.
  • Select yourself from the Member drop-down list.
  • Click Charge Account (don’t worry, it doesn’t charge you).
  • The form that pops-up asks all the same questions as were on the physical race registration form.
  • You may wish to refer to this list of more Detailed Steps.
  • Once you have completed the form, click Finish, and you are done!

Step 2. Sign-up for Race Committee Duty.

Step 3. Only for keelboats in handicapped races: arrange for your PHRF certificate.

For members of other clubs:

People who signed up for racing using the online portal by Friday, April 12th, were entered in a draw for a $50 gift certificate to the Galley – the draw was made at a Speaker Series presentation and was won by Vince Somoza.

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