Renée Davies of the Ottawa Riverkeeper will present the mission of the Ottawa Riverkeeper and outline what we as boaters can do to help protect the river and its watershed.

Ottawa Riverkeeper is an independent voice for the Ottawa River, working to protect, promote and improve the health of the Ottawa River and its tributaries.

The presentation will be an introduction to the watershed and Ottawa Riverkeeper, the organization and the work they do. Renée  will discuss some of their scientific initiatives like road salt monitoring and watershed health indicator tracking and volunteer opportunities. She will cover some invasive and endangered aquatic species and the why it is important to clean off boats when bringing them from another venue, or returning from a regatta or training event on another body of water.

Renée Davies is a recent graduate of Queen’s University. She is returning to the Ottawa Riverkeeper team after having spent a previous summer as the Communications Intern.  Renée now fills the role of Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator and looks forward to connecting with volunteers and healthy water enthusiasts. She grew up along the water and learned to sail from a young age, inspiring an appreciation for a healthy water’s edge. Spending her summers out on the Gatineau and Ottawa rivers, Renée had the opportunity to “…visit, compete and coach in various amazing locations!”

This presentation is part of the NSC Winter Speaker’s program, which promotes ongoing learning about all things nautical, as well as cruising and competitive sailing.

Our contributors and organizers are all volunteers, and they and our audience come from clubs and organizations bordering both sides of the Ottawa River.

The meeting is free to attend, but we ask that you consider  making a small donation. All proceeds will go to the NSC Legacy Fund, which supports competitive sailing for youth and Able Sail members.

This is the link to register, and/or to donate:  register here.

The presentation starts at 7.30 pm in the Harbourview Room. The Galley restaurant and bar opens at 4.30pm so that you can enjoy a meal and/or beverage before we start!

We will also be live streaming to our YouTube channel if you do not plan to attend in person. This is where you can also find recordings of previous Winter Speaker sessions.  If you choose to attend by YouTube  we recommend that you check in to the “waiting room” up to 15 minutes early to check your connection for good quality video and sound. We will be playing content that will both enable you to test, and provide useful information about upcoming events. During the live stream, you can use the chat function to ask questions at any time. The moderator will relay any questions to the presenter at the end of the presentation.

You can find the full Winter Speaker schedule here.

If you would like to volunteer as a speaker, help with the speaker series, or if you have any questions, please contact

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