This is the second in a series of articles on Ottawa River anchorages by Cathy Duchesne. Future articles will include Baskin’s Beach. Cathy and her husband Don having been cruising and anchoring Corrie Doon, an Ontario 32, for 30 years. – ed










If you are new to cruising, Pinhey’s will probably be the first place you spend a night, and I must say it’s my favourite anchorage on the Ottawa. I hear all those of you who disagree, saying it’s too crowded on warm weekends, but at Pinhey’s you can always find a friend, usually one with beer!









I love the morning coffee rounds, the afternoon swims and the happy hour. Even with the pandemic all this is available from your floating chair or dinghy. No worries if you forgot something; another boat will usually have spares. When the glittering lights of Ottawa down the river come on, most boats are respectful and things quiet down by 11 pm on busy days.


The scenery is spectacular. No wonder Mr Pinhey chose this for his home. I am a sucker for the museum located in the Pinhey manor house. The City’s website for this is here.

The manor house is currently shut down and getting some maintenance done during COVID. Normally, enthusiastic fresh-faced students show you all the new exhibits. The map on the second floor shows the Ottawa and area layout back in horse and buggy days. It’s fun to try and find your neighbourhood in the old layout. The view from the second floor is worth the climb.
The city has continued to put out the dinghy docks at Pinhey’s which is really helpful. The road access there is great for boat visitors, stray crew, and ambulances (another story from years gone by). Unfortunately, the washrooms and showers (the shower passcode is available at the club) are closed with the pandemic shut down this year. Hot showers are an added bonus in normal times.
























Until last winter I had no idea Pinhey’s had another season. When the snow and ice arrive, the local families turn up for one of the best toboggan hills in the region!

Mostly Pinhey’s is full of memories, of my children skipping stones and finding frogs when they were young, and great sailing days and nights with friends.
Yes, your anchoring technique will be on display to your fellow cruisers (if you want to perfect your skills there is an excellent article by Michael McGoldrick still available on line here) but If you’re in any kind of a jam, or a sudden summer storm blows up there is lots of potential help and there is plenty to be learned from the “old salts” over a beer!

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