Do you have new sails that need to be measured? Are you applying for a PHRF certificate for the first time? Do you want to confirm that your sails match what’s on your PHRF certificate? Or do you just need help filling in the PHRF Application form?

If so, bring your sails down to the club on the above date, between 1:00 & 4:00 p, and we’ll help you out. You should also bring your spinnaker pole. Note that whisker poles no longer need to be measured for your PHRF certificate. Bringing your sails down to the club will ensure that measurement can take place in indoor comfort before the start of the racing season. You can also avoid the standard cost for having a sail measured (a pint of beer).

Backstay pennants (fleet flags) and club burgees will also be available for purchase; $10 for the pennants and $18 for the club burgees.

Racing Questions & Answers: There will also be a couple members of the Fleet Committee on hand to answer any general, or specific, questions you may have about NSC’s racing program, of particular interest to any newcomers.

Hope to see you then.

Note: for more on applying for a PHRF certificate, see the NSC PHRF page.

NSC PHRF Handicappers: Trevor Whitehouse, Jan Huus & Hugh Morrin, e-mail

Update log
Note: this is a post, so we do not show “Page updated…”, but we should update the “publish date”.

16 Jan: HM: Added this update log. Added 2016 dates. Deleted Doug Sander’s name.
26 Mar: HM: Put date and time in bold; gave ownership of post to “Handicapper”; un-expired post.
16 Jan: HM: Added 2017 dates. Added Colin’s name.
21 Mar: HM: Unexpired.
31 Dec: HM: Updated for 2018. Removed Jan’s name.
05 Mar: HM:
25 Mar: HM: Added Georges-Andre Chaudron’s name. Added link to Mainsail Measuring. Unexpired post.
04 Mar: HM: Updated info for 2019.
08 Mar: HM: Unexpired.
13 Mar: HM: Changed burgee price from $15 to $18.

2020-01-17, HM: Updated info for 2020.
2020-12-05, HM: Updated info for 2021. Removed GA’s name.

2022-01-23, HM: Updated info for 2022.
2022-03-29, HM: Post unexpired.

2022-11-07 and 2023-04-03, HM: Post updated on web2, but this file was copied from web2 prior to 2022-11-07.

2023-12-06, HM: Updated 2022 post for 2024.

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