PHRF-LO, the keelboat racing handicapping authority, has changed the requirements regarding main sail measurements. Effective this year, boats which have not measured their mainsails will have an additional 3 seconds per mile applied to their handicaps. Given that 39 NSC boats are affected by this change, the club is adding a mainsail measuring session on March 25, starting at 14h30, so racers can get their sails measured before they get rigged for the summer.

Owners of boats affected by this change should have already received an email notification about this. However, sailors can check directly PHRF-LO’s web site, and the list of affected boats.

The focus of the measurement session on March 25 will be mainsails. If you are registering a new boat for racing or have acquired new or pre-owned sails, please bring your sails to the PHRF Sail Measuring & Racing Q&A Session on April 8th.

For general information about PHRF and handicapping, see the NSC PHRF page.

NSC PHRF Handicappers: Colin Mombourquette, Georges-Andre Chaudron & Hugh Morrin, e-mail

Page updated: 2018-03-05.

Update log
22 Feb: HM: Post created
05 Mar: HM: Post Unexpired. Added link to PHRF-LO’s page.

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