The Nepean One Design is coming soon (June 17-18), bringing regatta excitement and sailors from across the region to NSC for the nation’s largest open one design regatta.  Early bird pricing and fleet selections end this Friday, so register before 17:00 on June 2 to save and join in on the fun.

Saturday’s post-race party keeps getting bigger and better. This year sailors returning to shore will be greeted by the solo styling’s of singer/song writer Dave Milliken.  Tim and the Galley crew have designed a special Saturday night menu to feed the 300 plus expected NOD 2017 participants.  After dinner the rocky, rootsy, reggae, folky sounds of the Marc Charron duo will carry the party on the deck through the evening.

For more information and news, please consult the NOD website at, or contact the Chairs at

We look forward to seeing you at NOD 2017.

NOD 2017 Co-Chairs
Mike Thompson & Peter Norwood

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