Updated 11 July: Clinic is no longer offered on Thursday, as Thursday time trials are starting.
Every year you promise “I will tune-up my trim and sail better.” Then you are distracted by all the awesome NSC events. Well, this is finally the year. Bring 1 or more sailboats and a skilled volunteer, and the club provides the support boat and driver. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. First come, first served. No fee.

The real fun of sailboat racing starts when all the competing boats are going at the same speed, with the same cost for maneuvers. Then it is the race strategy and predictions of what the wind and your competitors will do that determine the outcome.

It’s much easier to see if a boat has proper sail trim (vang tension, slot width, sail depth etc.) from the outside of the boat. NSC is now offering the services of a staff bosun + motor boat, for on-water tune-up clinics for any fleet. The suggested format is that the fast fleet boat supplies the experienced volunteer for the bosun-driven support boat. The exact drills and exercises are left completely up to the fleet. No actual racing.

We are complying with the 10-people gathering regulation. 10 = 8 sailors + 1 volunteer + 1 staff.


  • Tuesday and Wednesday from 30 June to 31 July (except Canada Day).
  • Show up at the dock behind the clubhouse between 5pm and 6pm – the bosun will be there.
  • First-come, first-served. No emails, no appointments, no pre-registration (too much work!)
  • Sail all evening.
  • Maximum 8 sailors + 1 volunteer. If it gets busy, we have an overflow solution.
  • No fee.
  • NSC sailboats only.
  • Single boat, one-design group, mixed-boat group, keelboats, dinghies and cats, world champions and newbies – all welcome.
  • Bosun drives the support boat from aft and sets any practice marks you want. Volunteer guides the sailors from the foredeck of the support boat.
  • NSC COVID-19 Plan and Procedures apply. The support boat is the Bill Levesque, which has fore and aft stations, more than 2m apart. Cleaning and mask protocols are in place, per the Procedures.
  • For greater clarity, that’s 8 sailors total across all the sailboats.

Other days and times are available by appointment. Tentatively, we can arrange a paid guide if you cannot find a volunteer. Send an email to Fleet Captain.

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