NSC members Matt Davidge and Doug McGhan are enroute this week to the Columbia River Gorge (extremely windy venue between Oregon State, and Washington State) to represent NSC at the International 14 North American Championships.   Follow them along at http://international14.blogspot.ca/ as they will be posting video and blogging the event.  

At the conclusion of 2014, Team Boobie Racing sold their I14 the Blue Footed Boobie, and picked up a newer state of the art I14.  After much debate, the team settled on the name Boobie Too.

Once armed with a newer, faster weapon, there was only one logical conclusion – take it to a venue so windy, that our heros are deemed to absolutely destroy themselves and the boat, in order to bring you an excess of crash and burn footage that you all love.  The Gorge. (which is also logical since little red canoes with oversized sails crewed by anyone named Matt are now excluded from NSC events like the Turkety Trot :) F.C.)

Nestled in a 4000′ deep valley, the Gorge is a slight widening of the Columbia River as it cuts through the coastal mountains en route to the Pacific between Washington State and Oregon.  The deep trench funnels extremely powerful wind such that it is a windsurfing and kitesurfing mecca in the middle of a massive state park.  For those on the other side of the pond, this is the Lac Garda of America.

Follow us at http://international14.blogspot.ca/ over the next week, as we head to the Gorge for a few days of practice, followed by the North American Championships on July 24, 25, and 26.

Wish us luck!

Matt Davidge & Doug McGhan
International 14
Boobie Too
Can 620

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