Its time to get the 2018 boating season underway! To kick things off, please hold the date for the annual “NSC Member Mixer” and Spring Information Meeting on Thursday, April 26th starting at 18:30. 

Is kicking-off a boating season with a meeting a good idea?  Yes. This year’s meeting will focus on what’s planned for NSC members in 2018 and some innovative ideas to help you explore new ways of enjoying your boats.

Also, similar to last year, this gathering will be an informal mix of socializing, updates from your Board and an opportunity to ask questions. In keeping with our new tradition, the “official” part of the evening will last no more than one hour.  There are valuable door-prizes and some special menu items to enjoy.

Your personal invitation and official notice of meeting will follow along shortly. Along with your Directors, I look forward to seeing you on April 26th @ 18h30 for drinks (cash bar) and finger food (from us!) for a 19h30 start.

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