While October fall sailing is still on, the annual club sailing dinner and awards night will soon be here.   Mark the date and celebrate the fantastic sailing and racing season that was with friends, crew, and fellow members in one classy affair!

Chef Tim Burton and the Galley will be preparing a multi-course, sit down gala dinner to mark the occasion.  In addition to the various race series, special events, and fleet champions, special NSC awards will be presented for:

Best Family Dinghy Team (Wood Family Trophy)
Best “Non-Winning” Dinghy (Mary Seymour Trophy)
Top Travelling Albacore (Stormont RC Plate)
Most Active Able Sailor (Bernie Cup)
Best Harbour Performance (HarbourMaster’s Plaque)
Best Single-Handed Skills (Ottobahn Trophy)
Original Boat Handling Technique (Dumper’s Plaque)
Team Sportsmanship & Tenacity (Boole Trophy)
Contribution To Competitive Sailing (Commodore’s Cup)

The complete list of NSC club awards and trophies by category can be viewed here. Don’t forget to submit your “Commodores Cup” nomination online before October 28th.  More details on Awards Night and dinner reservations soon, so stay tuned …

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