The NSC Mohr Island race is an up-down race on Saturday. There is a joint start with the BYC weekend Mohr Island race which is an upriver Saturday, downriver Sunday event. RC duties provided by BYC. The warning gun is at 1000.

Start between RC boat and “S” Mark. The upriver finish is between RC Flag and Red MOT spar K16 at Mohr Island. This is the turning point for the NSC Mohr race.  If BYC RC boat not on station, take own time when crossing between K16 (red spar) and flagpole at house on Ontario shore due south of K16, and report to RC boat Sunday morning.

The ILD finish is between K16 and above mentioned house. The NSC Mohr down-river finish is between the BYC flag pole and “S” mark. NSC competitors must record their own finish time and should record their ILD time at the upriver turning point.

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