We are very pleased and proud to tell you about one of our own ; Kyber Lovshin, who you can see below learning how to fly on the Waszp in Kingston. His whole family have been life long members at NSC and clubs in the area. A very busy racer and wind athlete – congratulations and looking forward to more news. GOOD LUCK!

If you would like to contribute to the Legacy Fund to help athletes from NSC like Kyber, please go here and find out how.

See more in the words of his mom, Shona, below.

Just wanted to provide a quick update as my son, Kyber Lovshin, received funds from the Nepean Sailing Club Legacy Fund for this year.  (Thanks so much!)  It is coming up to the end of July and he’s already participated in five regattas and has a few more coming up soon.  He is having a fun summer so far.  In fact, he’s sailed every day pretty much this July, and is out with the NSC Sail Training team of instructors on his day off.  Fun!

Anyways, here is a list of regattas so far, as well as some photos.  Of note, Kyber is on the Quebec sailing team (www.voile.qc.ca/fr/competition/equipe-du-quebec/athletes-de-l-equipe) and for those specific competitions, he mainly sails in the ILCA 7/Full Rig Laser class. Although he still has a couple years of youth competition left as he is 17 years old, he is larger than typically wanted for an ILCA 6 / Radial rig.  This results in him sailing in the men’s Olympic class fleet (7/Full Rig) at regattas.  For instance, he recently sailed in the ILCA North Americans against the top Canadian and American men which was quite an experience.

  • Icebreaker regatta  – May 21 – 22 – Etobicoke, Ontario –  ILCA 7 – 5th
  • Ian Bruce Memorial Regatta – May 28 – 29  – Montreal, Quebec  –  ILCA 7  – 3rd
  • NSC Skiff regatta – June 4 – 5 – 49er – sailed one day (first 49er regatta)
  • NSC NOD regatta – June 18 – 19 – 505 – finished 1st with Christian Voyer (Photo)
  • ILCA 7 North Americans – July 1 – 4  – Kingston/CORK –  39th –  A few photos are attached from this event.
  • 505 training camp – July 9 – 10 – Kingston – Sailing with his dad (Emoji) – (Video)
  • ILCA US Nationals – July 14 – 17 – Brant Beach, New Jersey, USA – 20th – we think he was the 2nd junior (18 & under), one point out of first junior.

In the last week he’s been sailing in Kingston on foiling Waszps, and will be sailing in the Waszp NA championships regatta in Kingston starting this Wednesday.  Great learning opportunity.  So fast – and tons of fun – these boats.  Video 1 (first foiling gybe caught on video!) and Video 2 (download link) .  Lots to learning sailing different kinds of dinghies.

After that he’s competing in the Sail Canada Youth Singlehanded Nationals – in ILCA 6 / Radial rigs – Aug 8 – 12.  Then there will be the 505 ECCs in Kingston in near the end of August.  Maybe the Sail Canada Seniors (ILCA 7) in between but he’s been having a busy summer already.

Anyways, thanks a ton for the support of NSC.  Kyber has been a member of NSC much of his life and part of NSC Sail Training program in the past for several years.  He’s often there with many of his buddies (and brother) who are now instructors at NSC!

Of note, I added a photo of Kyber’s younger sister – also racing at the ILCA NAs.  She is 14.  She’ll also be sailing Waszps this coming week and competing at CORK youths afterwards.  Have you guys tried Waszps?  I got to sail them in Kingston.  Super fun and exciting.

show wind athlete
Kyber Lovshin learning the Waszp in Kingston

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