Please see the Notice from your new Membership Director John Connolly:

I would like to thank all those who voted at the AGM. An indication of a healthy Club is when members exercise their democratic rights. I trust that there will be more elections in the future.
At the AGM I indicated that I had the nine goals for the next three years working with the other Directors from the perspective of the Membership Portfolio. I reiterate them here for the benefit for those who could not attend. I expect you to hold me accountable for the following:

Advocacy Role

I will bring a coherent voice to the board for members concerns and suggestions. There may be similar things that members are expressing which span directorships that can be articulated to the Board.

Membership and Volunteer Committee (MVC)

I will establish a committee to provide members with a capable group to examine and propose solutions to key issues that impact the Club, now and in the future.
Membership Strategy for 10 Years
The profile and the demographics of the membership in the Club is constantly changing. I would like to examine what we would like the membership to look like in the ten years and what we will have to do to achieve this.

Mentoring Program

There is wealth of knowledge in the Club; its history, the facilities, the social aspects and the river. I will develop a roster of members that we can pair to new members to welcome them and to give them some advice and guidance in “navigating” the waters of the Club.
NSC Outreach Ambassadors
These are a number of communities and organizations that could be potential opportunities to present the values and benefits of participating in activities of the NSC and potentially become members. I will establish a core group of Club members coordinated with the Director of Public Relations who would be willing to do outreach to the NCC community to attract new members in a targeted and coordinated fashion.

Volunteer Coordinator

As the membership portfolio includes responsibility for volunteers, I will find a coordinator who will assemble a list of volunteers and their skill sets to help out on the various projects and functions of the Club where directors need support.

Volunteer Recognition

This is always a challenging idea as some volunteers don’t want recognition while some need it. The MVC will look at ways to thank volunteers for their donation of time and effort.

Linkages to other Committees

No one Director or Committee should work in isolation from others. Myself, and the MVC, will link with the work of other directors and committee to ensure that we are mutually supportive.
Upgrade and Manage the Database, Membership Invoicing
Key to the Club is effective and up to date information of the members and their invoicing for the year. I will look at what exists and, if necessary, change systems and practices that will make the process more efficient.

John Connolly, Membership Director

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