NSC will again host one of the popular North U Seminars — this year it’s Boatspeed and Racing Trim, on Saturday, April 5th, 0830-1630, in the East Room of NSC. Getting tired of winter? Need something much better to think about? How ‘bout sailing? How ‘bout some racing? Better still, how ‘bout…

Speed, Speed, Speed … a tactician’s best friend! Get more out of your sailing in 2014!

The seminar at NSC will be taught by Geoff Moore, a sail consultant with North Sails Toronto. Every participant receives the North U Trim CD for home study and review. It’s the same CD used to to teach the course.

The normal cost of registration is $115 for skippers, $85 for additional crew members, or $50 for student/junior members. However, NSC members can register at the “crew” rate of $85; include NSC-7254 in the “Comments”.

Scroll to the bottom of this page to register on-line now, or call Fran Wainer at 800-347-2457. Space is limited. If for any reason you have to cancel, call or e-mail Fran and she will arrange a full refund.

Course check-in is at 0830, and the seminar will run 0900-1630. Lunch will be provided by The Galley and should be ordered and paid for with your registration.

Dave Searle is the local point of contact for this seminar.

See you there!

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