Presented by Brittania Rideau Squadron, BYC second Floor, Sunset Room, 19:30 to 21:30. $10/ person, no reservation required.
See all the details in the PDF poster.
Presented by Brittania Rideau Squadron, BYC second Floor, Sunset Room, 19:30 to 21:30. $10/ person, no reservation required.
See all the details in the PDF poster.
Kerri Weller, Director of Sail Training, and Callum Smith, Head Instructor of Learn to Sail Programs, will host an Information Session, on Sunday, February 16th, 3-5 p.m. at NSC.
Reminder to Racers: As per the SI’s – Effective Monday August 30, the warning signal will be at 18:00.
Reminder NSC NOD sailors. Early NOD registration check-in is available each evening post-racing from Wednesday to Friday this week. As a courtesy for the many visiting boats and your fellow registration volunteers, NSC skips and crew are strongly encouraged to check-in by Friday to pick-up their registration kits, buy extra dinner tickets, and sign their…
Are you ready to cross the provincial border in the most unconventional way possible? Make the trek from Ontario to Quebec by swimming across the mighty Ottawa River! Every year, swimmers and paddlers from the National Capital Region and beyond take to the water to enjoy and advocate for a clean, swimmable river. This year,…
Cruisers…summer is finally upon us and that means it’s time to get your boats ready for heading up river for some fantastic sailing on the Ottawa Riviera! Pinhey’s Point, Constance Bay, Mohr Island – there are many anchorages that await!
Racers are reminded that per the Sailing Instructions, the first warning signal is made at 18:00 after August 31st. Also, beginning this week, Tuesday and Thursday keelboat courses are swapped back to as they were for the Spring Series.