I am honoured and delighted to be your Commodore for 2016. NSC is a fine boating club and my priority is to build your belief that it is the place where you belong.

I have an agenda for the new Board and work is already underway. Two kickoff meetings are up nex, one with NSC’s staff. We plan to quickly approve our 2016 budget then start crunching through recommendations from the last board before nailing down our plans.

It’s very good to have familiar hands returning to the Board table – Ross Laver, Ross Ernst, Doug Klymyshyn and, of course, Scott Hayley. Also very happy to see some new faces as well, welcome to Michael Hoffman, David Bradly, Mary MacLean-Bradley, Carolyn Gardner, John Connolly and Paula McCooey.

We start 2016 in good trim and I am very thankful for the accomplishments of the previous board. A tremendous amount of personal, volunteer effort was invested to make significant changes and improvements to our Club. In particular, thank-yous to Brendan Kealey (and Chantal), Kerri Weller (and Paul), Randy Wiseman (and Barb), Valerie Cherry (and Bob), Paul Wagner (and Isabelle) and, of course, Peter Bradley (and Mary…who hasn’t escaped very far) who will be leaving the Board in 2016.

We have ideas about which way we’re going to go, are willing to adjust on the fly as opportunity knocks and I’m surrounded by good people. Feels like Tuesday night on the race course.

Here’s to a short winter and an early spring. Launch is coming.

Corey Glynn
NSC Commodore

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