Nominations are now open for the 2022 NSC Annual Volunteer Achievement Award (NAVAA). This award is for the NSC member who has demonstratively made an exceptional volunteer contribution to the aims, objectives and betterment of the club in the past year.

Volunteerism is a cornerstone of NSC’s foundation and a vital part of the club’s continuing success and growth. Each year, NSC members contribute thousands of hours and their passion to running and maintaining the club for the benefit of their community and fellow members. It is YOU, the members of this club who decide who should be awarded the NAVAA, by nominating someone YOU know who has made an outstanding volunteer effort for the betterment of the club and fellow members in 2022.

The list of club volunteer activities is as many and diverse as the club itself. Examples include the maintenance of clubhouse and grounds, work parties, harbour and yard, organizing member and community events, member sailing programs, club launch/haul-out, regattas, able sail, the website, regalia, and serving on member committees.

Do you know someone who has been an outstanding club volunteer this past year? You can nominate your candidate by completing the online form here.

The process to nominate an individual is simple – one member (any member), one nomination vote. Nominations are open until 5pm Friday, December 3.

Nomination votes will be tabulated, and the selected recipient of this year’s award will be announced at the Annual General Meeting on December 7, along with the presentation of the NAVAA trophy.

Nominate a fellow member now and make a volunteer smile!

Past Recipients of the NSC Annual Volunteer Achievement Award:

2021 – Hugh Morrin & Michael Lee
2020 – Rene Lessard
2019 – Dave Gardner
2018 – Bruce Macdonald
2017 – Doug Vandervelde
2016 – Parke Davis

Update log:
2021-11-09, RE: Post created.
2022-10-08, HM: Added this update log. Removed year from post title.
2022-10-25, HM: Updated post for 2022.
2022-11-09, HM: Unexpired.
Note: this post should be turned into a page, and the link to Google form should be embedded within an iframe, as done for Google form should also be cleaned up. To do for 2023.

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