The volunteerism rate at NSC is so much higher than average, there is a risk of us thinking of it as the status-quo. Members of the NSC have launched boats, decorated Harbour View Hall, hosted Christmas parties for our kids, collected garbage, sat on committees, operated the cranes, run world-class regattas, tended to the property, moved trailers, open and closed the harbour, it’s a long and impressive list.

Do you know someone who has been an outstanding volunteer this past year? The process to nominate an individual is simple – one member (all classes of membership in good standing), one nomination.  You can nominate your candidate by completing the online form here.

Nominations are open until Friday, November 30.  Results will be consolidated by the Membership and Volunteer Committee and the trophy will be awarded at the Annual General Meeting.

The trophy is a unique, hand blown glass rendition of a sail boat donated each year to NSC by “Nautical White”, our regalia supplier and kept by the recipient.

Nominate now and make a volunteer smile!

By: John Connolly, Membership Director


He is smiling because he was awarded the Nepean Annual Volunteer Achievement Award (NAVAA) based on your nominations. The award is for the NSC volunteer who during the last year (2018) has demonstratively made, by their actions, an exceptional volunteer contribution to the aims, objectives and betterment of the Club.

Doug Vandervelde, Winner of the 2018 NAVAA.

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