And, I mean that both ways: It is about time that we reported on the affairs of the Club.  And, the only hesitation until now has been the time to do it. So, if you have time, read on….

Spring Floods

On or about May 9, the Ottawa River flooding peaked at approximately 60.45m. For reference, datum is 57.9m.   That’s 2.55m above datum.  Eight feet, four inches.   Without Gene Bruce’s leadership and your rapid volunteer response, the ground floor of the club would have been awash.  Thank you for helping save the Clubhouse!


As water levels dropped, several parts of our wooden boardwalks came to rest on “jaunty angles”.  While some can be re-leveled, the section directly beside the Annex requires replacement and will be addressed later this year: will be gravel for the time being.

Financial Reserves

We have been actively increasing NSC’s financial reserves over the past three years, moving the Club from a good position to a very good position.   While we are headed in the right direction, it is unrealistic to believe that the reasons we keep a reserve will be suspended while we build it.

We are applying some of NSC’s reserve funds to cover two capital items in need of repair:

  1. While adjusting the anchor chains on our docks to compensate for rising water levels, we confirmed that several of the chains on A, B and C-Docks had broken.  These chains were some of the oldest in the harbour: pre-dating the current docking system.  We took action to repair the chains before Launch and have approved funds to replace many more before they fail.  The docks are secure.
  2. Last year, we uncovered a leak in the City-Water line that feeds the Sailing School.   We were able to bypass the problem last season and this spring, a second leak formed.  The supply pipes are relatively old and run through the yard – not very stable soil.  Rather than pay for freshwater to leak underground, we have authorized repairs and replacements where needed.   The new design will be more durable and easier to manage should problems resurface.

Dinghy Dock Repairs

Just prior to Launch, a team of volunteers completely rebuilt the decks of two more sections of our Dinghy Docks.  This completes a project that started 3 years ago to refurbish the wooden superstructure on both docks.  Each one of those docks is 100′ long.  That’s a lot of 2×6’s.


After what can only be described as a “weird and unusual” spring, Sailpast weekend came along with a reason to celebrate your boats and your Club.  And, you did.  As best we know, 61 boats were on the water and well over 250 members enjoyed the day.

We started with a lively and well-attended reception for our volunteers and then recognized  Hugh Morrin, Dan Servranckx, Pat Morden, Michael Lee and Peter Wood with special awards in honour of their outstanding volunteer contributions over many years.  We then handed out anniversary burgees to 81 recipients ranging from from 5-years to 35-years.  Humbling to be amongst that much experience.

You may have noticed this year that the clubhouse was closed to the public during Sailpast.  This was a subtle and successful experiment that gave our staff the time needed to help us plan and run the BBQ and also a chance to mix and mingle with our members.  Lesson learned.  This is your Club and it can be used that way: just for members.

Get Out On The Water

At the Spring Meeting, I mentioned that one aspect of being a Club is investing in the sport we enjoy.  Each year, we support Ontario Sailing’s Province-wide “Get Out On The Water” program to raise awareness of our sport and, in our case, what NSC offers.   This year, a few hundred people visited NSC and most enjoyed a short ride on the lake.  Its a good investment for NSC and I appreciate the planning and volunteer time that went in to making it a success once again.

Club Management System upgrades

We are only a few short months in to the rollout of our new club management system and, along with the usual bumps in the road for projects of this kind, progress is good.  On the surface, you’ve seen new membership cards and the option to securely connect a credit card should you wish to run tabs in the Member’s Lounge.  Below the surface, the new system is handling our accounting and back-office, member data and almost all of the harbour management.

Next steps will focus on changes to the NSC website and the introduction of some “self-service” capabilities for your NSC Member Accounts.

Upcoming Survey

Later this summer, you’ll receive a request to join an NSC Survey.  The purpose of the survey is to guide our planning for 2018 by better understanding what parts of NSC are most important to you as members and if those parts require improvement.  The survey will be timed to provide us with input for the 2018 budget planning process.

Summer is short. Enjoy your Boats and have a great Canada Day weekend.


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