Engaged, active members are one sign of a healthy club.   Our upcoming “Annual General Meeting” is a meeting for members – for you – to actively engage with your Club.  2016 has been a good year at NSC and I am honored to host the “2016 AGM” which will take place on Thursday, December 1.

There are items to be voted on, new Board members to elect, budgets to review and reports to be offered.  It is the absolute best time to ask questions and make suggestions.  And, perhaps have a little fun along the way.  We’ll do our best to move the agenda along.

Similar to last spring’s meeting, the Galley will have finger food on hand (from us!) starting at 18h30 and our bar (cash bar) will be open until 19h30 when the meeting is called to order.

The official notice of the AGM along with the agenda and required materials is available here.

Along with your 10 Directors, I look forward to seeing you on December 1,


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