Last week before Commercial Launch. Club hours in full swing. Boats in the water.  Service Providers in the Yard.  Spring has arrived at NSC.

The Five-Point Plan

A big thank you to our members who joined the first annual “membermixer” (the meeting formerly also known as the Spring Information Meeting).   At that meeting, I shared our strategy for 2016:

  1. Run a Great Club: Operational Excellence
  2. Enhance NSC’s Reputation and Influence
  3. Discover New reasons to enjoy boats and Club
  4. Achieve Environmental Best Practices
  5. Improve Communication with Members

At least some progress has already been made on all five points and we have much more planned.  The draft minutes of the meeting – including a copy of the presentation – are posted.  (For your info, the minutes of all Board meetings are posted here once approved).

Boats in the Water.  Finally.

With a spiffy video for evidence, our Harbour opened on April 21 with several boats in the water already.  As Michael Hoffman characterized it, the NSC Yard is like a room with two doors and the fire alarm has just been pulled.  This is the moment you have waited for all winter: don’t delay.

Its all about Boating

In two excellent posts, Ross Ernst describes the On-Water events coming this summer for fun and for racing. It made me think of a “Sail” Magazine article from a few years back about ways we can make new memories on the water and keep this sport alive.  Check out Ross’ articles and consider penciling-in a few of those dates.

NSC by the numbers

According to our Treasurer, we’re in good shape.  Harbour is full.  Dry Sail Park is nearly full.  Trailer Launch is full.  School registrations are at 85% – ahead of last year.  We’re happy to report that the Cadets are back at NSC for their Spring and Fall programs.  Instructor clinics are starting this weekend.

Around the Club

Around the Club, you will see many familiar faces of returning NSC staff along with some new ones such as Rob Lafontaine, our new Hospitality Manager, for example.  Rob is able to join us for the time that Jade Andary is on maternity leave.  He starts on May 9, a warm welcome!

Also around the Club, one thing you won’t be seeing this summer (hopefully) is building construction.  The planned replacement of our roof is on hold until City funds free up in 2018.  What you might see, however, is some remodeling of the NSC office to make better use of that space.

Summer is Short.  Enjoy your Boats.



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