Yes, yes, I know.  There is still snow on the ground and most of the Ottawa River is still frozen.  That’s precisely why I’m posting this…

This is the first of my Gentle Reminders designed to help you start thinking about your boat.  Specifically, thinking about what it will take to get her in the water.

About now every year – and especially in years with long, cold winters – Members start to speculate about the prospect of a late launch and commiserate about the lack of time to prepare their boats.  However, plus or minus a few days, the ice recedes in time to open the Harbour and the Snow melts in time for Launch.

If you’re close to the water (ie. in the first 8-10 rows of boats), I’ll be working with you and the Service Providers to help “expedite” your launch plans.  We had some real congestion getting boats launched last year that we hope to fix this year.  The closer you are to the water, the sooner I need you ready to go!

Plan today.  Launch is set for May 2.  Warning signal has gone off.  You have 33 Days, less if you’re willing!

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