Our plan is to resume our popular Race Practice sessions in 2022, beginning May 20, 2022. Check back here for more info. Below is the information from our last pre-pandemic sessions.

On Friday evenings June 21, June 28, July 5 2019, we are offering free race practice for keelboats. For beginner racers, you can experience sailing your boat closer to other boats, and practice starting and mark rounding. For experienced racers, you can sharpen your skills.

Each evening will begin with an on-land briefing where a coach will outline the evening’s plan. This briefing is at 17:30 in the NSC clubhouse by an experienced racer. Then boats will go sailing with some basic coaching on the water.

This is a low-key free activity. It is not a formal course. You need your own boat and crew. The race officials and race bosuns will also use this event to practice their skills.

It’s race practice, not a practice race. The racing rules of sailing will be used, but there will be no registration and no scoring. It doesn’t matter how slow or fast you go – it’s the right time to try something, make mistakes, get better.

Be nice! You are free to call out to other boats, but let’s keep it friendly.

Sailing instructions are here – we are setting a course, so please read the instructions.

We also need a few experienced racers to be on-board coaches. If you’d like to do that, contact the coordinator.

Approximate plan:

  • June 21 – Starting, setting sails for upwind. No spinnakers.
  • June 28 – Starting, crossing other boats upwind, rounding upwind marks. No spinnakers.
  • July 5 – Complete windward / leeward legs. Reaching, gybing and downwind. Spinnaker optional.

You don’t need to register for this event, and you don’t need to be registered for racing. Just show up.

Boats from BYC, LDSC and CVGR are invited too, and may moor in NSC harbour without charge for the event and the day following the event.

For further information, contact the coordinator Mike Roper.

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