Wow! For its 10th anniversary, it was a fabulous summer for the Jacques Adam River Challenge. Good wind and good participation with pretty fast times! We had 20 attempts with only 4 of them not finishing. This is the most participation we have had since the introduction of the challenge with lots of skippers and boats trying it for the first time. And for those of you who have never tried the challenge, I encourage you to give it a try next year. It’s fun! If you ever want to try it out, take a look at the forecast I published in my attempt: to see what the best wind looks like. While you’re there, have a look at the YouTube video of my super fast (!) attempt. My wife, who’s not an avid sailor, even had fun at the helm.

Congratulation to everyone! With special mention to Peter Kitching who came close to beating my time, but missed it by 26 seconds. Oh well…

Another special mention to Mason Nihmey on Divine Wind who did it three times, improving on each one.

See you all next year.

Réjean Tremblay,

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