For those who have checked the PHRF-LO website, or the List of Registered Keelboats, they may have noticed that their PHRF Lake Ontario Non-Flying Sail handicap (known as “JAM” in Ottawa) has changed. That’s because the NFS handicaps for virtually all boats changed this year; in most cases the handicaps dropped by 9 or 12 seconds/mile.

The reason for this change is a little confusing, but it’s because PHRF-LO decided to adopt the Jim Teeters Windward Leeward 8 Co-efficients. What’s important is that most boats were impacted in the same manner, so you’re not likely to be giving, or getting, any advantage, either to or from your normal competitors.

While the 2020 Sailing Instructions have not yet been published, the plan is to lower the fleet splits by 12. This means that most boats will race in the same JAM division as they did in 2019. The new JAM divisions are:

  • JAM A: Up to 211
  • JAM B: 212-232
  • JAM C: 233 and above

Of course, this change will only be relevant if we eventually have regular “JAM” racing later this year. It should also be noted that every year, PHRF-LO does a statistical analysis of race results from across the region and adjusts the base handicaps of selected classes that have performed significantly better or worse than their handicap, for the class as a whole.

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