This is just a test site.

The links below are to Flickr photos:


DJI_0006 copy




This images below are various ways of providing links to Flickr images: only the first two renderings display properly, though I tried multiple ways of embedding images before determining how to do it right.

The image below the “Embed” link, with the addition of the target=blank, however, the width and height are NOT specified. This image displays normally when viewed on an iPhone.

This image is not a link. It uses a tag of img src=…

The following images are from Flickr and result from just typing in the “Embed” link, with the addition of the target=blank. This image looks “scrunched” laterally when viewed on an iPhone.

Nepean Sailing Club : July 7, 2015

Same thing without the title= and alt=. This image looks “scrunched” laterally when viewed on an iPhone.

The following images are as above, but for an image that is 1024×683. This image is per above, with width and height specified, and extra embed codes. This image looks very “scrunched” laterally when viewed on an iPhone.

This image is per above, with width and height specified, without the extra embed codes. This image looks very “scrunched” laterally when viewed on an iPhone.

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